Certified Organic Seeds
Certified Seeds for Certified Farms
You’ve gone the extra mile to eliminate synthetic pesticides from your farm, and we’re here to support you! Availability of certified organic seed varies widely from year-to-year, so be sure to call or email for a quote.
All of the following items are available in 50 lb sacks, unless otherwise stated.
Biomass OG 55 Mix
Sold out
A simple yet effective mix that will help to prevent erosion, compete with weeds, build soil organic matter, fix N and feed bees. Of the cereal grains, cereal winter rye germinates in the coldest soil temperatures, making it ideal for unpredictable fall conditions. More tolerant of lower pH soils than barley. Crimson clover comes pre-inoculated with the OMRI material ‘Prevail’ to ensure maximum nitrogen fixation. Sow 1” deep. Organic Winter Cereal Rye 50%, Conventional Austrian Winter Pea 45%, Organic Crimson Clover 5%.
Rate: 100-120 lb/ac drilled. Prices: < 1950# $1.28/lb, >1 ton $1.19/lb
Organic Biomass Mix
Sold out
A 100% certified organic mix that includes hairy vetch. Of the cereal grains, cereal winter rye germinates in the coldest soil temperatures, making it ideal for unpredictable fall conditions. Use higher seed rate if broadcasting, battling undesirable weeds or planting steep slopes. Plant-available N is maximized when cereals are terminated before they enter the reproductive phase. Crimp or flail termination is most effective at cereal anthesis. Hairy vetch will use the rye as a trellis. Drill 1-1.5”. Organic Winter Rye 55%, Organic Oats 15%, Organic Hairy Vetch 25%, Organic OMRI inoculated Crimson Clover 5%
Rate: 100-120lb/ac Price: < 1 ton $1.86/lb, > 1 ton $1.74/lb
NW Organic Biomass
Sold Out
A 100% certified organic mix, with seeds all produced in the great Northwest. Cereal Rye 46%, Frostmaster Peas 40%, Crimson Clover 14%
Rate: 80-100lb/ac Price: < 1 ton $1.59/lb, > 1 ton ask
Organic Grass Hay Mix
A nice mix for haying or pasture use. Mix with Organic Red Clover (ask for pricing) or Organic Crimson Clover for synergistic growth and enhanced animal nutrition. Organic Tall Fescue 40%, Organic Orchardgrass 30%, Organic Meadow Fescue 30%
Rate: 25-30lb/ac Price: $5.20/lb in 25lb bags
Organic Crimson Clover
A reliable fall-sown annual in the Willamette Valley. Gorgeous red flowers are magnets for bees, and often minute pirate bugs, which control small pests including thrips. Flowering time is related to sowing time and soil moisture. Known to provide 70-150lb of plant-available N in pure stands in the spring. A good forage for livestock, and will regrow if grazed no more than 3” before bud stage. Inoculation should be considered if clovers haven’t been grown before.
Rate: 20-30 lb/ac broadcast, 15-18lb/ac drilled Price: $3.60/lb
Organic Annual Ryegrass
Very quick to germinate, with excellent root development, making it fantastic for erosion control and weed suppression.
Rate: 40-50 lb/ac broadcast, 30-40lb/ac drilled Price: $2.32/lb
Organic Tapmaster Daikon Radish
Used to create macropores in compacted soils. Edible root. Best used in combination with other covers.
Rate: 20 lb/ac broadcast, 18lb/ac drilled Price: $5.26/lb
Organic Buckwheat
Sold out for 2024
Known for its amazing ability to quickly establish and out-compete summer weeds (including Canada thistle!), attract pollinators, and accumulate phosphorus, buckwheat is a champion summer cover crop. May help to cool vineyard soil temperatures compared to bare soil. Sow in the spring once you are well out of frost danger but still have soil moisture. Buckwheat readily reseeds itself.
Rate: 50-60 lb/ac Price: 50-150# $2.20/lb